Assignment #11

First of all Oppression means cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged . The difference between Violent and Nonviolent Resistance is that Violent Resistance is a threat of physical pain or death so that their oppressors change their behavior and on the other hand NonViolent Resistance is just using a peaceful way to change their oppressors behavior . Agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life. Oppressed people should use both Violent and NonViolent Resistance to gain Agency because sometimes Oppressed people use peaceful ways to change their oppressors behavior and it works but there is times that Oppressed people have to use Violent Resistance because their Oppressors do not change their behavior . 


In addition this document supports my essay question because it talks about Violent and NonViolent Resistance . This document is about how a Taliban shot Malala on the left side of her forehead, and when she recovered she gave a speech saying that she was the same Malala . Her ambitions , her hopes and her dreams are still the same . This is a speech that Malala Yousafzai gave to the United Nation General Assembly on July 12, 2013. This information is reliable because a lot of people heard it from Malala . “The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this: weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born. “ This shows that oppressed people should use Violent and NonViolent Resistance to gain Agency because after Malala was shot her weakness and her fear died so she became stronger .

Eventually this document name “The Soweto Uprising “ supports my claim because it talks about the police stopping a peaceful march and using violence . This document is about how students protest because they did not wanted to learn their oppressors language which is Afrikaans, the students started boycotting school and organized a protest . The police decided to stop the peaceful march by throwing teargas into the crowd , releasing dogs and the student responded by throwing back the teargas at them . This document is an article from a website called tittled “Soweto Uprising Begins With Violence During Student Protest.” it was written by Denis Cummings on June 16 , 2011 . The information from this document is may be trustworthy or not because we don’t know nothing about the author and maybe that author change the information. “Police attempted to stop the peaceful march by firing tear gas into the crowd; some students responded by tossing back the teargas canisters or throwing stones at the police.” This demonstrates Oppressed people should use Violent and NonViolent Resistance to gain Agency because the students tried to do a peaceful march but end it up into a Violent Resistance . 


As a final point this document supports my claim because it talks about a violent protest . This document is about how people were angry because a transit police shot a black man in the back . This document is an excerpt from an article called  In California, Protests After Man Dies at Hands of Transit Police” that was published on The New York Times newspaper website , this article was written by Jesse McKinley on January 8th 2009. This source could or not be trusted because we don’t know if the author knows what actually happened . “On Wednesday night, police officers in riot gear responded with tear gas and nightsticks, and arrested protesters on charges of vandalism, unlawful assembly, rioting and assault on a police officer.” This suggests that Oppressed people should use Violent Resistance to gain Agency because they want to change oppressors behavior .

SeeClickFix Blog #2


  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using sticky notes and posters.  What do each posters mean? 

The 9th graders are tracking the issues we reported by sticky notes and posters . Each poster has “Open ” , “Closed ” and “Acknowledge ” . Open means that the issue is reported , Closed means that the issue is now fixed and Acknowledge means that they seen your issue .

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix? Did it change (If so, how)?  Did your issue’s status stay the same? Explain your answer. 

My issue status changed , the City of Oakland saw my issue and fixed it . My issue is now Closed .


  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received? Who sent you that message?

This person name Edge City said “Thank you for fixing this request ”

  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.  

What I noticed is that some issues, they leave them on open , some of them they Acknowledge them or some of them they do fixed it .


  • Is the SeeClickFix project an example of Violent or Non-Violent resistance to oppression?  Explain your answer. 

The SeeClickFix project is an example of Non-Violent resistance to oppression because its helps others and the community to fix issues around Oakland . SeeClickFix project doesn’t harm anyone , it helps Oakland so it shows its an Non-Violent resistance .



Do you think SeeClickFix can help to solve problems in Oakland?  Explain why or why not. 

I think SeeClickFix can help solve problems in Oakland because a lot of people could see it and help fix the issue .

SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words describe what the company called SEECLICKFIX does for people living in Oakland.

SeeClickFix is a company for the people living in Oakland . SeeClickFix is a website that helps you see the issues around Oakland , you could also report an issue that you see .

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.

I think SeeClickFix doesn’t help resist oppression because some problems are not fixed .

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project .

I took a picture of illegal trash dumping on 41st Avenue . This picture was taken on March 27 , 2018 .

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX on their website?  Describe the steps you took

I went to their website , I clicked “I’m a Citizen ” then a box popped up where you sign up for SeeClickFix . In that box I had to put my name , email address a password , I confirmed my password then I scrolled down and click “I’m not a robot ” . After you click “sign up ” and that’s how you create your account .

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX? 

After it showed a page where on the top left corner is gonna say “Report an issue” , I clicked that . You have to know the exact address from where you took your picture because after I had to drag a arrow on where I took the picture . Then you click the category like for example : Unwanted graffiti , Illegal dumping , Potholes etc. I then put my issue Tittle , description , I clicked “choose file” to upload the picture I took after I clicked “keep it anonymous” , and that’s how I reported my issue . My issue number is 4285175.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not. 

I think that the City of Oakland will not fix the problem because a lot of people are reporting more problems around the community .


Assignment #9 Oppression Essay

   Oppressed people means when people suffer of cruel or unjust treatment . Systems of Oppression means an organized way of cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged . Levels of Oppression means the 3 I’s . The Levels of Oppression are Institutional , Interpersonal and Internalized Oppression . Institutional Oppression is when Oppression happens because of laws , rules or politics . Interpersonal Oppression means how a person is behaved towards another person. Internalized Oppression is when they choose to believe negative narratives about themselves . Some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression is by Internalized and Institutional Oppression . 


     First of all a way oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppressions and Levels of Oppression is by terrorist in Afghanistan don’t let girls receive an education this is one of  the Levels of Oppression called Internalized Oppression because the terrorist are making believe the girls that they can’t receive an education . A document that I read is about how terrorist are stopping Afghanistan girls from receiving an education , they threw hand grenades at them , they were throwing acid at girl’s face and also they were poisoning the girl’s water . This document is an article on the website called “ Acid attacks,poison; What Afghan girls risk by going to school “ written by Allie Torgan on March 17th , 2016. A quote in this document that shows my answer to the question is “Terrorist will stop nothing to keep Afghan girls from receiving an education “ . This shows what are some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression because its called Internalized Oppression because terrorist want girls to believe they can’t receive an education . 


In addition some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression by paying them low salary depending on their sex , race and ethnicity this is one of the Levels of Oppression called Institutional Oppression because people with different identities are not paid enough and some of them get paid more than others . A document that I analyzed showed how much women and men from different ethnicities are paid .  This document is a bar graph by The United States Department of Labor that keeps track of all the people working in the country . A quote that proves my answer is that “ Hispanic or Latino men are paid $569 weekly and Hispanic or Latina women are paid $509 weekly on the other hand Asian men are paid $952 weekly and Asian women are paid $779 weekly” . This demonstrate that some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression by Institutional Oppression because they are paid based on their sex , race and ethnicity .

Assignment #8

To begin with people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities because they have a lot more power , wealth and authority . Document 2 supports my statement because it shows how the spanish killed the Aztec population . Document 2 is an article titled “How Europeans brought sickness to the New World” , Heather Pringle on June 4, 2015 . ” In April 1520, Spanish forces landed in what is now Veracruz, Mexico  unwittingly bringing along an African slave infected with the smallpox. This quote supports my statement because it talks about how the Spanish the people with more power have the power to bring someone infected with a disease to kill a whole population of Aztecs , which they have different identities than the people with power .  


  In addition people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities because some people who have wealth and authority chose to harm people with different identities than them by slavery , slavery is making people do things they don’t want to , they work but still don’t get paid . Document #4 is a set of rules that masters in France do when their slaves do something wrong , This document is a set of rules that masters have to do when slaves disobey them . This document is a section from “The Code Noir”   written by the KIng of France in March 1685 . This quote shows the answer to my question “ The masters have the right , when they’ll estimate its necessary , to chain up the slaves and make beat them up with sticks and ropes “ . This supports how people with power marginalize and exploit people with different identities by slavery because the masters will harm the slaves .



   Finally , people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities by social system because the Aztec tribe turns a warrior into a god for a year until they sacrifice the god . The document that I analyzed talks about how a Aztec warrior became god Tezcatlipoca , he was given the finest luxuries , food , women , clothes , teachers and instruction. The document is a video of a 17 year old Aztec Scribe . It was recorded years later in 1529 . This quotes shows how people with power marginalize people with different identities by social system “ This seasoned warrior, whom we change from a human into the god Tezcatlipoca, can have no blemish upon his body, and he is treated like our most royal family member during the long year leading up to his sacrifice.” This demonstrates how people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities by social systems because it says how the aztec tribe turned a aztec warrior into their god until his sacrifice .

Assignment #5

Identity is the qualities of a person that defines who  they are . Dominant Narrative is a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not . Counter Narrative is a story or perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves . I think is important to tell a counter narrative about dominant narratives people say about myself because you could prove them wrong , i could tell the real story who everything happened .

To begin with Dominant Narratives is a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not , personally made a lot of stereotypes of me because of my looks . A picture that i chose is a mage that says “We serve whites only no spanish mexicans ” I have experienced in the past where my parents and I have gone to a “white people ” restuarant , where they were just staring at us very weird . And they started saying bad things about mexicans . He looked like he was in charge of the restaurant , he looked at us , and said if we could leave the restaurant . Its sad that there’s a lot of cruel people in this world . Another image that i choose is this one that says ”No ilegals , No burritos , Think twice America . This quote is personally funny for me because i see white people eating mexican food in some mexican restaurants . This is an example of Dominant Narrative because they be saying they want mexicans out of America but they be eating there food .

On the other hand Counter Narrative is a story or perspective that people who are marginalized tell about them selves . A image that shows a counter narrative to me is an image that says ‘Say it Loud I’m Latina And Proud. This is an example of a counter narrative because i’m latina and im proud of it , people say im not a latina because i do this or this a certain way . Another image that is a counter narrative according to me is an image of half american flag and half mexican . This is an example of a counter narrative because my nationality is American but my ethnicity is Mexican.

However , Identity is the qualities of a person that define who they are . An image that i choose to be an identity of mines is a picture of music album , “Yours truly Forever ” . This is an example of an identity because i choose it to be my identity , is the music i like . Another image that describes my identity is also a picture of an music album that i like . This is an example of my identity because its a picture of a music album that I’m really into , it has a deep meaning to me .