Assignment #9 Oppression Essay

   Oppressed people means when people suffer of cruel or unjust treatment . Systems of Oppression means an organized way of cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged . Levels of Oppression means the 3 I’s . The Levels of Oppression are Institutional , Interpersonal and Internalized Oppression . Institutional Oppression is when Oppression happens because of laws , rules or politics . Interpersonal Oppression means how a person is behaved towards another person. Internalized Oppression is when they choose to believe negative narratives about themselves . Some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression is by Internalized and Institutional Oppression . 


     First of all a way oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppressions and Levels of Oppression is by terrorist in Afghanistan don’t let girls receive an education this is one of  the Levels of Oppression called Internalized Oppression because the terrorist are making believe the girls that they can’t receive an education . A document that I read is about how terrorist are stopping Afghanistan girls from receiving an education , they threw hand grenades at them , they were throwing acid at girl’s face and also they were poisoning the girl’s water . This document is an article on the website called “ Acid attacks,poison; What Afghan girls risk by going to school “ written by Allie Torgan on March 17th , 2016. A quote in this document that shows my answer to the question is “Terrorist will stop nothing to keep Afghan girls from receiving an education “ . This shows what are some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression because its called Internalized Oppression because terrorist want girls to believe they can’t receive an education . 


In addition some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression by paying them low salary depending on their sex , race and ethnicity this is one of the Levels of Oppression called Institutional Oppression because people with different identities are not paid enough and some of them get paid more than others . A document that I analyzed showed how much women and men from different ethnicities are paid .  This document is a bar graph by The United States Department of Labor that keeps track of all the people working in the country . A quote that proves my answer is that “ Hispanic or Latino men are paid $569 weekly and Hispanic or Latina women are paid $509 weekly on the other hand Asian men are paid $952 weekly and Asian women are paid $779 weekly” . This demonstrate that some ways oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression and Levels of Oppression by Institutional Oppression because they are paid based on their sex , race and ethnicity .

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